Thursday, February 23, 2006

Accepting Online Donations

Newly added features. If you wish to contribute to my cause and make a donation you can now do so via credit card, debit or pay pal payment. Just click on the donation link below:

(Credit card, debit card or Pay Pal payments accepted. Fast and secure!)
Or else go the the Fundraising/Volunteer Information website and click on the link there.

Thank you,

Kasia Koltunska

Saturday, February 18, 2006

All Shows Done!

Thanks to all of you who came out to the shows and supported this cause. They were incredibly successful and I hope that everyone enjoyed them. Hopefully I'll be able to do some new ones after my return from Africa. Information about that will be available at:

Kasia Koltunska

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Different Kind of Journey!

I have traveled much in the past. I have seen places that many will never get to see and experienced things that many will never get to experience. This is yet another journey, but it is not the same kind of journey. It is time for me to give back.

Two days after my last exam I fly out to Nairobi, Kenya. Starting May 1st, 2006 I will be working in connection with Volunteer Internship Community Development - Africa (VICDA). This local NGO is in charge of placements of volunteers throughout various communities in Kenya. My current commitment is to 6 weeks work at a children's orphanage.

The orphanage program cares for children who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS and for children who have been abused by their parents. As a volunteer I will assist with the daily running of the orphanages; cleaning, bathing children, cooking etc. The evenings are spent playing with the children and helping them with their homework. As a volunteer I am also asked to take on a role as a sibling to the children - a relationship that is often taken for granted, but that these children are without.

In order to make this opportunity possible I need to fundraise a minimum of $1500US. This is to cover program expenses as well as to serve as a donation to the orphanage at which I will be working. It does not include my own expenses such as the flight. I hope however to raise more than this and am setting my goal at $3000. Over the next 3 months I will be organizing a number of slideshows and events in the hope of reaching this target. Any support is greatly appreciated and every dollar takes me a step closer.

If you would like to receive more information about the events or would like to contribute to this cause, please contact me at

For further information about the upcoming events as well as about the volunteering and Kenya in general please go to:

I will be posting regular updates there along with any new information that becomes available to me.
Thank you,
Kasia Koltunska
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